How to clean your fridge

  • Date Published: 14 May 2024
  • Bushman Fridges
  • Drawer (30L), Roadie (15L), OG Bushman (35L, 52L), DC-X Upright (50L, 65L, 85L, 130L), DC-L Upright (190L)

Everyone loves a clean fridge! And keeping your fridge in tip top shape is easier than you think. Here are our most important tips for cleaning your fridge.

Types of fridges

Type of fridge chest or upright?

There are two types of Bushman fridges available, portable (chest fridges) and upright (caravan fridges). Both types of fridges are made from similar materials including ABS plastics and powder-coated steel and can be cleaned in the same way. Follow these simple maintenance steps to keep your fridge squeaky clean!

Cleaning the outside of your fridge

use mild soap only to clean your fridge

Only use a very mild soap!

We cannot stress this enough. The ABS plastic walls, ceiling and floor of your fridge is thin, flexible plastic material It is perfect for inside a fridge as it can handle the changes in temperature and is nonporous. The best kinds of soap to use are mild dishwashing liquid or mild hand soap. Grab a bucket of warm water and the minimum dose of soap. This is perfect for cleaning inside your fridge.

don't use harsh chemicals to clean your fridge

Do not use any harsh cleaning products in your fridge.

Whatever you do, definitely do not use any harsh cleaners. Especially things like citrus cleaners (orange or lemon), anything solvent based, alcohol based or acidic. Just use a mild, normal soap. Any harsh cleaners will dry out the ABS plastic and will cause cracks in your fridge and no-one wants a cracked fridge.

only use soft cloths to clean your fridge

Soft cloths only (no scourers)

Your fridge loves soft cloths. No scourers, steel wool or stiff brushes please! These will damage the ABS plastic walls, ceiling and floor of your fridge. If you have some sticky grime in your fridge, persist with some warm, mild soap and take your time in cleaning it up.

clean up spills to keep your fridge clean

Clean up spills as they happen and quick clean regularly

As silly as this sounds, it really is the best advice around. Cleaning up little spills is easiest when they first happen, get to them before they have time to gunk up and get super sticky. Remember your fridge is in a moving vehicle, spills will happen, so when they do, get to them quick! A simple wipe down one a week with warm soapy water will keep your portable or caravan fridge in tip top shape.

always clean and dry when storing your fridge

If you are storing your fridge, make sure you store it well

When your fridge is not in use, be sure to store it properly. If it’s clean and dry when it goes away, it will be clean and dry ready for your next adventure when you fire it back up.

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